
Welcome to my blog! I’m writing mostly about graphics technology and a bit about what’s going on in my professional life.

Recent blog posts:

Zink brings conformant OpenGL on Imagination GPUs

Today, Imagination Technologies announced some very exciting news: they are now using Zink for full OpenGL 4.6 support! Collabora had the pleasure of working together with engineers from Imagination to make this a reality, and it’s very rewarding to now be able show the results to the world!

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Zink: Summer 2021 Update

There’s a lot that has happened in the world of Zink since my last update, so let’s see if I can bring you up to date on the most important stuff.

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OpenGL on DirectX: Conformance & upstreaming of the D3D12 driver

Over the last year and then so, we at Collabora have been working with Microsoft on their D3D12 mapping layer, which I announced in my previous blog post. In July, Louis-Francis Ratté-Boulianne wrote an update on the status on the Collabora blog, but a lot has happened since then, so it’s time for another update.

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Introducing OpenCL™ and OpenGL® on DirectX

For the last few months, we have been working on two exciting new projects at Collabora, and it’s finally time to share some information about them with the world:

We are partnering with Microsoft DirectX engineers to build OpenCL and OpenGL mapping layers, in order to bring OpenCL 1.2 and OpenGL 3.3 support to all Windows and DirectX 12 enabled devices out there!

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Zink: Fall Update

I recently went to XDC 2019, where I gave yet another talk about Zink. I kinda forgot to write a blog-post about it, so here’s me trying to make up for it… or something like that. I’ll also go into some more recent developments as well.

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Zink: Summer Update and SIGGRAPH 2019

Here’s an overview of the recent changes in Zink since the previous post, as well as an exciting announcement!

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Introducing Zink: OpenGL on Vulkan

For the last month or so, I’ve been playing with a new project during my work at Collabora, and as I’ve already briefly talked about at XDC 2018, it’s about time to talk about it to a wider audience.

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Working at Collabora

In the Fuse Open post, I mentioned that I would no longer be working at Fuse. I didn’t mention what I was going to do next, and now that it’s been a while I guess it’s time to let the cat out of the bag: I’ve started working at Collabora.

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Fuse Open

OK, so the announcement that I hinted at in my previous post is now public, so I can finally talk about this.

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Hello World!

Welcome to my new blog, where I’ll be writing about my open source development.

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